How to earn money online from blogging?( complete information) 2022|

Earn money from blogging.

Hello Friends, today I will tell you people how you can earn money by blogging . By the way, in my previous post, I told about earning money from Youtube and gave many more online business ideas .

By the way, blogging is very easy way to earn money but it is the best and greatest way to earn money online , you can simply start a blog , you just need to have writing skills, internet connection, a little computer. information and some readers etc. Then you can yourself become a garland from the internet.

So here I am going to share with you the complete tutorial of blogging by following which you can become a professional blogger from newbie and earn hug amount of money online sitting at home. Below I have shared some FAQs which new people always use. Keep asking.

What is Blog?

Simply put, a blog is a personal website in which you can share your knowledge world wide through blogging.

Who is blogger?

I am also a blogger, by the way, the person who manages his blog and works in it like writing, promotion and say that whose blog is he is called blogger.

What is Blogging?

Developing meaningful information and the complete skill that is needed to run and manage a blog is called blogging.

How much money can you earn from blogging?

Although there is no perfect answer to this, but it completely depends on your hard work and dedication that how much you can earn and the more users come to your blog, the more you will earn. You will not be able to become rich at night, but yes, if you work with interest from yourself, then you can earn full money.

Step By Step Complete Guide To Make Money Online With Blogging 

Here I will tell you step by step all the ways to start blogging, by which you can earn money sitting at home, I will tell you very simple and easy steps by which you can become a blogger and make your own identity in the world of internet. .

Step 1 – Choose the Best Niche/Topic for Your Blog

The first and most effective task is to find and select a topic for your blog. Finding a topic for a blog is not a difficult task. You can choose your favorite subject and topic of interest and write about it on your blog. Like I chose technology, you can choose any topic, you can also learn some popular topic by using

Step 2 – Select the Correct Platform

Although there are many platforms available for blogging on the internet but two platforms are very famous, first is WordPress and second is blogger(, if you are a new user then I would suggest you use blogger because it is easy and a bit After becoming professional, you can use WordPress . WordPress will require hosting account and money, but with blogger you can create an account for free.

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Step 3 – Buy Domain Name

Domain name is the address of your blog from which people access your blog like the domain name of my blog is . There are many other domain names like .NET, ORG, IN, ME etc and There is also good news that you can also keep your domain name in Hindi  , by the way, you can buy domain name very easily and if you do not want to buy, you can use free domain of .blogspot .

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 Before finding domain name, you use google keyword tool and buy SEO friendly domain which is popular and competition is less .

Step 4 - Design your blog

Design is the most important factor of your blog, you can keep the design of your blog simple and stylish. By the way, I would advise that you use simple easy layout which is load fast so that reading is also easy. You can use the design template and theme on blogger and WordPress.

Step 5 - Add important page to your blog

Here I have told some important pages which should be in your blog –

About us – In this page, you should give information about yourself and about the blog.

Contact Us – Here you can tell your contact details or you can also use the contact form.

Privacy Policy - Enter the privacy details of your blog in this page.

Step 6 – Write your articles/Posts

Now, when your blog is fully setup, after that you will start writing post for your blog, content is king, the more valuable articles you have in your blog, the more visitors will be attracted and more traffic means more money, you will be able to use your blog. Write and publish fully meaningful articles frequently.

Don't copy past other website/blog content, as it may cause copyright issue.

Step 7 - Marketing and branding your blog

It is very important that you develop and market your blog as a brand. For branding, you should keep the design of your blog unique, create a logo, keep a favicon and create your own page for marketing on various social media sites like facebook. ,google+ and twitter.

Step 8 – Learn SEO(Search engine optimization)

This is a bit difficult topic, it will take some time to learn about it. If you look in general way, SEO means how your article will appear in search engine (Google, Bing), how will be ranking, titile, meta etc. I will give details about this in my upcoming post. so keep reading my blog.

Step 9 - Monetize your blog (make money from blog)

Monetizing means doing advertising etc. to earn money in your blog. You can earn money by using google adsense in the beginning, then Direct Advertising Sales, Affilation, Products, Services, Job Board / Classifieds / Marketplace, Sponsored Reviews & Paid Posts, Premium Content, Email Marketing, Sell Your Blog etc. You can also increase the earning of your blog by using it. Your earning depends on the traffic of your blog.

Important thing, people who always ask how to get money, then tell you that money will come in your personal account, which you must have added to your monetize account.

Step 10 - Improve the traffic of your blog

Traffic is very important for any blog/website, when your blog is ready, after that you start focusing on increasing the traffic of your blog, how can you bring more and more visitors to your blog , think about it, To increase traffic, you learn and use social media, community form and search engine optimization.

I hope that you must have liked my post, I have given complete basic information of blogging through this post and I will give complete information in the coming next articles. Through this article any beginner who is home Wants to earn money sitting can know about blogging.

So friends, how did you like this article and for any of your questions and answers, do share your experience through the comment box.

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