What is IPv4 vs IPv6 ? (Complete information about Internet Protocols) 2022 rajminisite.com

What is IPv4 vs IPv6 – Complete information about Internet Protocols

Have you ever heard of IPv4 or IPv6 ? How would you feel after hearing that the Internet is now passing through the constraints of an Internet address. You may have also heard that the last block of IPv4 internet addresses has also been allocated now.

If you have guessed by now, then let me make it clear to you that I am talking about the underlying technology that runs Internet Protocol Addresses . Yes, it is called IP address . Which has been associated with the beginning of the Internet and is going to end very soon. Which is now a matter of concern.

Very soon a new technology is going to take its place which is called IPv6. IPv6 is also called the successor of IPv4. With this new technology, not only will we get more numerical addresses, but with its use, address assignments and network security will also become easier to a great extent. But the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 can be a bit rough and challenging.

People do not have any knowledge about these two technologies. So today I thought why not give complete information about IPv4 and IPv6 of you people so that you can get to know about the difference between IPv4 and IPv6 properly. First of all let us know what is internet protocol .

What is Internet Protocol (IP)?

What is IPv4 vs IPv6?

The full form of IP is Internet Protocol . It tells about those technical formats, how data packets are processed and how computers are communicated in the network with the help of addressing schemes.

Almost all networks combine IP with a higher-level protocol, also called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) , to create a virtual connection between the destination and the source.

If I explain to you with an example, you will probably understand more. IP is like our Indian Postal System in which this package (datagram) is first sent to be Addressed (encapsulation) and then it is sent to the system (Internet) by a sender. But there is no direct link between Sender and Receiver.

That package (datagram) is divided into many parts, but the address of the Receiver (Destination Host) remains in all the parts. And over time each part reaches the receiver, but in different paths and at different times.

It decides the Postal System about Routes and Time, here which is called IP. But the Postal System (here the Transport and Application layers) connects all the parts together and delivers it to the Receiver (Destination Host) at the right time.

Whereas in TCP/IP, a connection is established between the two hosts so that they can exchange messages among themselves for a time period.

What are Internet Protocol Versions?

If we talk about the present time, there are currently two versions of Internet Protocol and they are IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6 is an evolutionary upgrade in the technology of Internet Protocol. In extreme circumstances, where IPv6 is in high demand, for some time IPv6 will coexist with the old IPv4 .

What is IPv4

IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) This is the fourth revision of Internet Protocol (IP) and it is used to identify the device through the addressing system in the network.

Internet Protocol is designed in such a way that it can be used in interconnected systems of packet-switched computer communication networks.

IPv4 is most commonly used to connect devices to the Internet according to the Internet protocol. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address scheme that allows 2^32 addresses (and has about 4 billion addresses).

But as the Internet is growing, it is being speculated that gradually all IPv4 addresses will be lost because they are being used in all the devices today such as computers, smartphones and game consoles and all these devices are connected to the Internet. An address is required to connect together.

What is IPv6

To meet these shortcomings of IPv4, a new Internet addressing system has been introduced and is known as Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and it can prove to be helpful in filling the shortfall of Internet addresses.

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation) and this is the new version of Internet Protocol (IP). IETF standards committees have been used to review it so that it can completely replace IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4).

IPv6 is considered the successor of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4). It has been specially designed as an upgraded version of Mehjuda Internet Protocol so that it can coexist with IPv4 for some time.

IPv6 is designed to help the Internet grow steadily, allowing both the number of hosts connected and the entire amount of data traffic transmitted to grow properly.

IPv6 is also known as the “ next generation ” Internet standard and was under development since the mid-1990s. IPv6 was created because people felt that the way the demand for IP addresses is increasing, then the day is not far when IP addresses will be completely exhausted.

The Benefits of IPv6

Although IPv6 will help a lot in increasing the pool of addresses and there is more discussion among people about it, but with it there are many more such technological changes in IPv6 so that the IP protocol is more important.

  1. No need to do NAT (Network Address Translation)
  2. Auto-configuration
  3. Private address collisions won't happen anymore
  4. Having better multicast routing
  5. Simpler header format
  6. Simplified, more efficient routing
  7. True quality of service (QoS), also known as "flow labeling"
  8. Built-in authentication और privacy support
  9. Flexible options और extensions
  10. Easier administration (no more DHCP required)

How does IPv4 and IPv6 work?

32 bits long (4 bytes) address is used in IPv4, while 128 bits address is used in IPv6 and with this they are separated according to 8 16-bit hexadecimal blocks. Colons are used to divide. For example, 2dfc:0:0:0:0217:cbff:fe8c:0.

IPv4 addresses are divided into "classes" with Class A networks for a few huge networks, Class C networks for thousands of smaller networks, and Class B networks for between the two. Subnetting is used in IPv6 to adjust network sizes and a specific address space assignment is also given.

IPv4 uses the class-type address space to perform multicast ( Whereas IPv6 uses the integrated address space for multicast, at FF00::/8.

IPv4 uses " broadcast " addresses to force each device to shut down and see the packets. Whereas IPv6 uses multicast groups.

IPv4 uses to represent an unspecified address, and a class-type address ( for loopback. But IPv6 uses :: and :: 1 for unspecified and loopback addresses.

IPv4 uses globally unique public addresses for traffic and "private" addresses. Whereas IPv6 uses globally unique unicast addresses and local addresses (FD00::/8).

Difference between IPv4 और IPv6

                    IPv4                                IPv6

Packet size : 576 bytes required and fragmentation optional

Packet size: 1280 bytes required without fragmentation

Packet fragmentation: Routers and sending hosts

Packet fragmentation: Sending hosts only

There is not much security in IPv4 because IPv4 was never designed from the point of view of security.

– It was originally designed for isolated military network

After that it was adapted for public educational and research network

IPv6 was built with strong security from the beginning, along with it the facility of – Encryption – Authentication was also provided.

IPv4 header has 20 bytes and IPv4 header has many fields (13 fields).

IPv6 header is just double because it contains 40 bytes and IPv6 header has fewer fields like 8 fields.

ISP has IPv4 connectivity or both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.

Whereas many ISPs do not have IPv6 connectivity.

It has a non equal geographical distribution (>50% USA)

It does not have any geographic limitation

Why are IPv4 addresses going to expire?

IPv4 uses 32 bits for its Internet addresses. Which means that it can support up to 2^32 IP addresses in total — which is around 4.29 billion.

Which may seem like a lot, but today almost all 4.29 billion IP addresses have been given to various institutions, due to which the lack of IP addresses can be seen in the coming time. Keeping this situation in mind, IPv6 is being brought as soon as possible.

How will IPv6 solve this problem?

Like I have said before that IPv6 uses 128-bit Internet addresses. Therefore it can support approximately 2^128 Internet addresses — 340, 282, 366, 920, 938, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 if we talk about its exact value.

And these are really many addresses compared to IPv4. These are so many addresses that we have to use hexadecimal system to display these addresses. Or simply say that there are so many addresses in IPv6 that the Internet can be kept operational for a long time.

So why can't we switch directly?

It is such that the end of IPv4 addresses had been predicted years ago, due to which the progress of switching was started from the last decade itself. But this work cannot be done in haste, so this work is going on slowly.

With this , both IPv4 and IPv6 run simultaneously in parallel networks — and a special gateway is needed to exchange data between the two.

And to make such a switch, the software and routers will also have to be changed so that they can support more advanced networks. It requires both time and money. Therefore, this process cannot be done directly, but they can be changed gradually.

How will this change affect you?

In the beginning, they may not make much impact in our life. Because nowadays almost all modern devices and operating systems actually support IPv6. But there are still many such routers and servers that do not support them, so that it is very difficult to connect to the device and the Internet.

IPv6 is still in its early stages, in which there are many bugs and security issues. And in order to function properly, these problems have to be fixed, otherwise there may be a big problem in future.

No one has any idea about the cost and time involved in this change, but scientists say that this change may take some more time.

The future of IPv6

With the change of IPv6 , a lot of changes can be seen in the coming time. Because the problem of IP addresses, if we talk about network security, then IP is going to be even better in all places. With the help of more addresses, many more devices can be connected together.

The facility of Mobility and MultiHoming can also be seen. Mobility means to go from one network to another without changing the IP address. By the way, MultiHoming means to be connected with more than one ISP at a time so that even if there is some problem in any connection, it can be easily transferred to another connection. Many such changes can be seen in the coming time.

I sincerely hope that I have given you complete information about what is IPv4 and IPv6 and I hope you people have understood about IPv4 and IPv6. I request all of you readers that you also share this information in your neighborhood, relatives, your friends, so that there will be awareness among us and everyone will benefit a lot from it. I need your cooperation so that I can pass more new information to you guys.

It has always been my endeavor that I should always help my readers or readers from all sides, if you people have any doubt of any kind, then you can ask me without any hesitation.

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